Bullsh*t, images and the ramblings of a madman.
Heating. Why do department stores, offices and just about any other place in London need to have the heat that high? Will a bit of cold or the fresh air kill you? Set the temperature to 18 Celsius and if you can’t hack it put a jumper on. Nuff said.
As a purveyor of media and the owner of a modern handheld device I respect the desire to watch videos, Skype your cousin in Bhutan, fight with your ex on FaceTime, listen to a Mexican metal goth band's latest single ... but for everyone’s sake make sure you have headphones on NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE (this was literally happening when I typed this).
Roundabouts in Australia. If it has two lanes, the outer lane has to exit on either the first or second exit … it’s a given. If there isn’t a first exit directly on your left, then you can proceed straight ahead safely. It’s the rules ... so there’s no need for road rage. A bi-partisan individual witness this and confirmed my grievance on two occasions.
People. Well that pretty much covers anything I missed.
“Acting funny is the worst thing you can do.”
“I dreamed I had a nose job last night. I woke up and was like ... no.”
“Shut up Mom or the possum is going scratch yeah.”
“Comedy is a distortion of what is happening , and there will always be something happening.”
“When I cut — I feel, I feel, I feel, and I say, “Here.” For no reason. Just feeling. Just — I feel that’s how long the shot should be. For no rational reason at all — I cannot explain why, but I know that it’s right. Why it’s right, I don’t know.”
“Look at the absurdity around you. Check for incongruities. By looking at the world through funky-coloured lenses, you’ll start experiencing humorous situations more often, which will ultimately provide fodder for your interactions with others.”
The things you see while being severely sleep deprived at Boryspil International Airport. There was a brief moment when I thought it was 'Vandelay Industries' à la Seinfeld ... oh so close.
Director's cut in Cinemascope and subtitled for your viewing pleasure.
“Silience is the root of all comedy.”
“I’m glad I didn’t get it. I’m glad for every single thing I didn’t get.”
“I’ve never had all-at-once success. I’ve never had any big leaps, the rags-to-riches thing. Everything has been one foot in front of the other, one step at a time. ”
“It’s really like learning an instrument that has never existed until you were born. No one can tell you how to play that instrument. There’s a part of the journey that you have to figure out for yourself.”
“I read somewhere that the best gift you can give other people is your story, and it just hit me, like, Really? That’s the whole thing?”