“If I don’t laugh, I’ll cry.”
“We’re all guilty of over telling stuff.”
“Means your still alive if it hurts.”
“Look at the absurdity around you. Check for incongruities. By looking at the world through funky-coloured lenses, you’ll start experiencing humorous situations more often, which will ultimately provide fodder for your interactions with others.”
“Silience is the root of all comedy.”
“I’ve never had all-at-once success. I’ve never had any big leaps, the rags-to-riches thing. Everything has been one foot in front of the other, one step at a time. ”
“It’s really like learning an instrument that has never existed until you were born. No one can tell you how to play that instrument. There’s a part of the journey that you have to figure out for yourself.”
“I read somewhere that the best gift you can give other people is your story, and it just hit me, like, Really? That’s the whole thing?”
“I like characters who don’t change, who don’t learn from their mistakes.”
“That’s the worst part about comedy ... it is incredibly hard. But in order for it to be done right, it has to look easy. Comedy is at its best when it’s completely not showing.”
“Even if you work really, really hard, and even if people really, really like your material, it can get you nowhere.”
“If your profile says ‘not a douche’ you’re a douche.”
“Learn your craft: it will never stop you from being a genius.”
“The first rule of cinema is that a movie has to teach the audience how to watch it.”