Pre-Shoot Highlight: Sometimes in moments of intense pressure you get a tiny release from the places you least expect it … an insurance company. I had just submitted storyboards and safety reports, etc. to them and a few hours later I received an email stating that my insurance was in place providing I wouldn’t be using a real life Dolphin in the car. I was beaming from ear to ear … underwriters must have a pretty good sense of humour.
A few days after my parents jetted off we descended upon a quiet suburban street in Harrow.
Like most shoot days it was a early call and the sun was shining ... which in England means it's going to rain.
The sun lasted just long enough for me to grab a shadow selfie and then it proceed to rain for most of the day. All this money, all this time and all these people ... I've felt this pain several times on previous commercial shoots, but this was supposed to be 'my big time' - I was literally pulling my hair out.
This wasn't meant to happen, but it did and I got over it ... quickly.
Michelle [my long time friend and amazingly talented Art Director] dashed to the nearest B&Q and got us some waterproofing material ... we were shooting an actual Zipcar Volkswagen Golf and we had the windscreen removed.
[Please note that we had their permission and they we're totally wicked about the entire thing. I'm not even sure how Michelle convinced them, but serious kudos to Zipcar and their customer service team]
The rain continued and every take the car was wiped down by a team of people - even Barry, our Gaffer, was in there making it all happen. I love it when a team just clicks. Water dripped into the car interior, droplets were all over the rear and side windows, you could see it raining above the car ... i couldn't believe my luck. But you'd never know it cause Absolute 'fixed it in post' - bless them.
Here's a few pics I manage to snap on the day with the old iPhone.
Please take a moment to appreciate the lovely individual sitting next to Riley. Her name is Anne Zander. She played the live action reference for Dolly ... a realistic 3D Dolphin [more to come on that later]. Big ups to her for sporting the silly grey suit and having dots place all over her forehead. Your champ and I love your work.