
Bullsh*t, images and the ramblings of a madman.

How To.

So, it's that time of year where I really start to question what I'm doing with myself career wise.  It’s been a big year an I've finished some great projects and had the opportunity to work along side some great people.  I’d like to say I’m crawling to my goals … but even that sounds like an overstatement.

In my slight melancholy state I stumbled upon Campaign's "How to be a Director" [I have to capitalise the "D" ... sorry].  It's a quick read, so take a brief moment to enjoy it.  

But, if you don't have the time ... here's two things that stood out for me and basically sum up my existence.

1. "One thing I don’t think many people realise is how lonely the pursuit of directing can be. It feels a bit like waiting around at an empty bus stop with no idea when the next one is coming."

2. "... if you believe in something, stick to your guns."

Ringan Ledwidge over at Rattling Stick pretty much nailed it IMHO - it's clear we as director's are a certain breed.  Glad to hear I'm not the only lonely, nose-picking, self loathing motherfucker out there.

Till next time.


[PS. Rattling Stick I'm available and keen ... call me.]